2023 Legislative Session


S.B. 210

Establishes a Criminal Justice Data Sharing Working Group to make recommendations for a statewide criminal justice data repository. Takes effect 3/22/2075. (SD2)

S.B. 210

Establishes a Criminal Justice Data Sharing Working Group to make recommendations for a statewide criminal justice data repository. Takes effect 3/22/2075. (SD2)

S.B. 233

Specifies that boards subject to the open meetings law shall allow oral testimony on any agenda item at the beginning of the board’s agenda or meeting, provided that oral testimony shall not be limited to the beginning of a board’s agenda. Specifies an exception for the legislative body of each county.

S.B. 455

Extends the term of the Oversight Coordinator for the Hawaii Correctional System Oversight Commission and requires the Oversight Coordinator be subject to the advice and consent of the Senate. Specifies that the Commission shall take measures as necessary to maintain confidentiality in investigations. Broadens the Oversight Coordinator’s power to make inquiries, obtain information, and inspect the premises of agencies and correctional facilities. Takes effect 1/1/2050. (SD1)

S.B. 576

Requires reports of official out-of-state and intra-state travel by state employees, officers, or other representatives of state departments or agencies, including the Judiciary and University of Hawaii, to be made available for public review on the Comptroller’s website. Appropriates moneys. Effective 7/1/2112. (SD3)

S.B. 719

Gives the Office of Information Practices the discretion to resolve disputes about open records or open meetings either through an opinion or, when the opinion would likely be in favor of the agency, through informal written guidance. Appropriates funding for the Office of Information Practices to hire two new full-time positions for a Legal Assistant and Attorney.

S.B. 767

Prohibits the Governor or a Mayor from suspending requests for public records or vital statistics during a declared state of emergency. Allows for a reasonable delay in an agency’s response to a request as a result of extenuating circumstances.

S.B. 871

Repeals the Board of Directors of the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation and requires the Corporation to employ an Executive Director to be nominated by the Governor, subject to the advice and consent of the Senate. Makes conforming amendments.

S.B. 991

Imposes a cap on costs charged to reproduce certain government records. Waives reproduction costs charged for the first one hundred pages if disclosure serves the public interest. Waives costs charged to duplicate certain government records in an electronic format. Imposes a cap on costs charged to search for, review, and segregate records. Provides for a waiver of fees when a record’s disclosure serves the public interest.

S.B. 1123

Exempts members of a county council from the limitation on the number of members that may attend an informational meeting or presentation on matters relating to official county council business for purposes of permitted interactions. Clarifies that such meetings shall be meetings that are open to the public.

S.B. 1159

Clarifies when the identity of a police officer, who has been suspended or discharged following a misconduct incident, is to be disclosed in a county police department’s annual report to the legislature.

S.B. 1231

Establishes the Digital Equity Grant Program to award grants to applicants to deploy digital equity projects to covered populations in the State. Appropriates funds.

S.B. 1253

Allows the Office of Information Practices to resolve open meeting and open record complaints through either a legal determination on whether a violation occurred or written guidance on the relevant legal requirements.

S.B. 1513

Requires a Public Agency Board to report any discussion or final action taken during an executive meeting; provided that such disclosure is not inconsistent with the purpose of convening the executive meeting, but giving the Board discretion to maintain confidentiality.

S.B. 1564

Allows a requestor of a public record to receive the public record in the format of their choice; provided that the format that is being requested is available.

H.B. 100

Establishes a criminal justice data sharing working group to make recommendations for a statewide criminal justice data repository.

H.B. 522

Removes the ability of the governor or a mayor to suspend electronic media transmission during a state of emergency. Effective 6/30/3000. (HD1)

H.B. 563

Exempts members of a county council from the limitation on the number of members that may attend an informational meeting or presentation on matters relating to official county council business for purposes of permitted interactions. Clarifies that such meetings shall be meetings that are open to the public.

H.B. 712

Encourages boards to maintain recordings of board meetings on the board’s website regardless of whether the written minutes of the meeting have been posted. Requires boards to provide the State Archives with a copy of any recording of a board meeting before removing the recording from the board’s website. Requires the written minutes of board meetings to include a link to the electronic audio or video recording, if available online. Effective 10/1/2023. (SD1)

H.B. 719

Imposes a cap on charges for the reproduction of certain government records. Waives reproduction costs charged for the first one hundred pages if the disclosure serves the public interest. Waives the cost of duplication of government records provided to requestors in an electronic format. Imposes a cap on charges for searching for, reviewing, and segregating records. Provides for a waiver of fees when the public interest is served by a record’s disclosure. Appropriates funds for positions in the Office of Information Practices. Effective 6/30/3000. (SD1)