
Below are links to other websites that may have information helpful to individuals interested in access to government information. These links are not intended to be an endorsement of the content or quality of the information provided on those sites. And while Public First monitors these links frequently, the Internet changes constantly. If you notice a broken link, please e-mail


State Law

State of Hawaii Office of Information Practices:  OIP is the state agency responsible for regulating state, county, and city compliance with the Uniform Information Practices Act and the Sunshine Act. It has rules, guidance, and advisory opinions regarding UIPA and Sunshine issues.

State E-Calendar:  State agencies are required to post their Sunshine agendas on the State’s electronic calendar in accordance with Executive Memorandum No. 11-11. Individual Sunshine boards may post minutes for meetings on a board website.

City Sunshine Notices:  The City and County of Honolulu has a calendar with links to meeting agenda for its Sunshine boards, including City Council and its committees.

County of Hawaii Sunshine Notices: Hawaii County has a calendar with links to meeting agenda and maintains agenda and minutes on the individual pages of most Sunshine boards, including County Council.

County of Kauai Sunshine Notices:  Kauai County maintains agenda and minutes on the individual pages of most Sunshine boards, including County Council.

County of Maui Sunshine Notices:  Maui County maintains agenda and minutes on the individual pages of most Sunshine boards, including County Council.  A platform for creating, sending, and tracking UIPA requests to State and county agencies, as well as browsing and researching requests made by others.

ACLU of Hawaii:  The local ACLU chapter maintains a log of its UIPA requests and a repository of documents obtained from state agencies.

Federal Law

Office of the Government Information Services:  OGIS is the ombudsman for mediating conflicts between FOIA requesters and federal agencies. OGIS also provides various resources to assist FOIA requesters.

FOIA.Wiki:  Collaborative collection of information to assist requesters with issues under FOIA.

Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press: RCFP has a FOIA Open Government Guide and a resource for creating, sending, and organizing FOIA requests (iFOIA).

FOIA Project:  A project to track FOIA litigation across the country.  Summarizes and posts documents from many district court cases, and appeals are searchable.

Society of Professional Journalists:  SPJ has a variety of guides and other resources for FOI requesters.

Digital Media Law Project:  DMLP has a legal guide on accessing government information.